Conventional Copper Slag Blasting
Requires Substantial amount of valuable spaceto operate.
MBR with Steel Grit
Is Compact, Integrated and efficient, taking up little space.
Conventional Copper Slag Blasting
Is Dusty, Messy and Affects the surrounding Working Environment.
MBR with Steel Grit
Is Clean to Operate, Environmental Friendly, facilitating a conducive Working Environment.
Conventional Copper Slag Blasting
Is Conventional, Bulky and Process Intensive.
MBR with Steel Grit
Requires little Support once set-up.
Conventional Copper Slag Blasting
Deters Housekeeping on site, and consumes valuable Crane and Forklift resources.
MBR with Steel Grit
Is Neat, Compact, Orderly, and requires little support once set-up.
Conventional Copper Slag Blasting
Achieves the required S.A. 2.5 Standards after a few Blasts, and even then ‘Blasting Shadows’ are common with Copper Slag Blasting
MBR with Steel Grit
Easily surpasses the S.A. 2.5- S.A.3 Standards after the first Blast, substantially Saving Time and Resources for Users and Clients alike.